Life is either a daring
adventure or nothing at all
I'm Ankan, a front-end developer with a background in graphic design. I specialize in crafting visually appealing and functional web experiences, emphasizing user experience and meticulous attention to detail. Additionally, I am a curious individual, constantly exploring new skills and interests.
When I'm not coding, I am a passionate traveler who enjoys discovering new cultures and experimenting with different flavors. I keep up with the latest industry trends and technologies, bringing fresh ideas and efficient solutions to every project, consistently delivering high-quality results.
Code Runner
I worked with top 1% of indian freelacer and designer to create a new page for ther startup which focus on generating value for advertizer and marketer using llm content generation, with specilized pipelines
A startup focus on making games, that tell a story
Code Runner
I created this fun programming language to gain a better understanding of how programming languages work. its very basic , as of writing this README it can
A project that runs your code in a sandbox enviorment for quick testing and prototyping. The backend is build the REST architecture.
Code Runner